Principles of protection of metallic structures in corrosive situations.
Principles of protection of metallic structures in corrosive situations.

How does corrosion affect metals? How can we prevent corrosion from occurring? Can corrosion help to prevent further corrosion?

Principles of protection of metallic structures in corrosive situations.


1 hours
1 lessons
7.9/10 (28)


Throughout this introductory course, you will find the answers to these questions and much more.
We will start with general concepts about corrosion and its effects on steel structures. To continue with mechanisms that produce corrosion and protection strategies for steel structures.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
• Identify the different corrosion mechanisms.
• Select the type of protection best suited for metal corrosion.

Course content

Principles of protection of metallic structures in corrosive situations. - APP0203205

Learning Outcomes

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