Connection tree
Connection tree

Real structures are made up of beams, girders, and columns, all joined by bolting or plate and angle welding. A steel sculpture is provided in this course by which steel connections can be visualised on a large scale. The 3D model of steel sculpture exhibits over 20 different connections commonly used in steel construction today, each connection has a short description associated with it.

The main objectives are to address the display, load paths and limit states problems associated with steel connections. The guide is intended to be a didactic tool and to complement the AISC LRFD Steel Construction Manual 3rd Edition.

Connection tree
Gerdau Corsa
Gerdau Corsa


3 hours
2 lessons
9.3/10 (12)


Real structures are made up of beams, girders, and columns, all joined by bolting or plate and angle welding. A steel sculpture is provided in this course by which steel connections can be visualised on a large scale. The 3D model of steel sculpture exhibits over 20 different connections commonly used in steel construction today, each connection has a short description associated with it.

The main objectives are to address the display, load paths and limit states problems associated with steel connections. The guide is intended to be a didactic tool and to complement the AISC LRFD Steel Construction Manual 3rd Edition.

Course content

Connection tree - APP0204205
Steel Sculpture - APP0204301

Learning Outcomes

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