Steel Framing Engineering Manual
Steel Framing Engineering Manual

The content of this course is based on the Steel Framing Engineering Manual which is largely based on the Standard for Cold Formed Steel Framing - Prescriptive Method for One and Two Family Dwellings (5), published in 2004 by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) of the United States of America. This Manual complies with the requirements of the AISI S100 standard - 2007 edition, for cold-formed steel structures. All design of structures covered in this Manual must be verified according to this standard and its referential standards.

Steel Applications
Steel Framing Engineering Manual
Steel Applications

Steel Applications

2 hours
2 lessons
Not rated yet


The course is aimed at all those people, whether professionals or not, who are interested in knowing the technical characteristics of this construction system in its structural aspects, and also contains information and calculation aids for professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge of engineering and structural calculation of Steel Framing.
Alacero has published two complementary manuals:
- Steel Framing Architecture Manual
- Steel Framing Engineering Manual
In which construction professionals and the public are provided with valuable and updated general and technical information that will allow them to learn about the particular properties of this method. The Architecture Manual is complementary to this Manual, where the reader will find a description of the system's characteristics and even the history of its creation. Therefore, the architectural aspects and construction details can be consulted in this Manual and are not repeated in the Engineering Manual.

The course is divided into the following

Modules (referring to the Manual): A. Generalities B. Structural Components C. Design Assistants D. Floor structuring E. Wall structuring F. Roof structuring G. Examples of the use of the Calculation Inputs
These Modules will show the recommended ways of structuring the method and the joints with their minimum fasteners, largely based on the recommendations of the AISI Prescriptive Method for Cold Formed Steel Framing (5) supplemented by Calculation Inputs.
In addition, examples of beam and mullion sizing are given to show the use of Calculation Inputs. The annexes provide important clarifications on aspects of calculation on which there is limited information in the current literature of this specialty.

Course content

Steel framed constructions - APP0206205
Steelframing school module - APP0206301

Learning Outcomes

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