In underground mining, a common term is mine face where the mining work is being advanced. Face machinery plays an important role in coal production. The most common face machinery used in underground mines is a side discharge loader (SDL), Load haul dump machine (LHD), Road Header, Continuous Miner, Twin bolter, or Quad bolter, Feeder breaker, Shuttle car & Extensible belt conveyor, Chain conveyor, etc. Locomotives, which are used as utility vans in the mining district. All face machinery shall be under the charge of a competent person. As per CMR 2017 “competent person” concerning any work or any machinery, plant or equipment means a person who has attained the age of twenty years and who has been duly appointed in writing by the manager as a person competent to supervise or perform that work, or to supervise the operation of that machinery, plant or equipment, and who is responsible for the duties assigned to him, and includes a shot fired.